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What if so much of what we think we know about pleasing God is remarkably wrong? Could it be much simpler than we think? And what if we could be assured of God’s approval, affirmation, and pleasure, even on our worst days?

Are you longing to find true fulfillment in your relationship with Jesus, free from the constraints of religious obligations? Do you desire a deep and unwavering joy that comes from knowing you have God’s approval and pleasure, even on your most challenging days?

In Commended, embark on a transformative journey as you explore a fresh perspective on pleasing God. This captivating book challenges the misconceptions we often hold and reveals a simpler, more authentic way to experience God’s delight. Through the inspiring stories of those who brought Jesus joy through acts of faith, hope, and love, you’ll discover profound truths that will reshape your understanding of God’s love for you.

Discover renewed hope that pleasing God is within your reach, no matter your circumstances.

Find a revelation of God’s true feelings toward you, bringing comforting and joyful news.

Feel the lifting of burdensome, performance-based religion, freeing your heart to experience true intimacy with God.

Reignite your passion to pursue God and embrace the joy of His Pesence.

Develop a clearer and deeper understanding of who Jesus truly is, transforming your perspective of Him.

Experience an extraordinary sense of joy as you embrace Jesus’s affirmation and approval and the delight He finds in you.

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Prepare to be surprised by the preposterous grace of God that spills forth from this author’s pen. Allow yourself to drink in blessing.

Get ready to be commended by God.

I wholeheartedly commend all that follows.

Alan Wright


Sr. Pastor, Reynolda Church

National Radio communicator

Author of seven books, including The Power to Bless and Seeing as Jesus Sees

Immerse yourself in the pages of Commended and embark on a life-changing journey today. Commended is available now at Amazon, Ballast Books, Barnes and Noble, and wherever books are sold.